The other day I went to a restaurant located in an old hotel-turned-low-income-housing. We somehow found out that the building is supposedly haunted and more specifically that the incinerator in the sub-basement is haunted. We got our waiter to draw us a map to the basement so that we could see for ourselves. We snuck past the security guard (who was watching football), took the elevator down to the underground garage which we crossed and took a flight of stairs down to the lower garage where we came to a door with a non-functioning lock and chain. We removed the chain and opened the door to another stairway. This stairway had no lights, broken caution tape, and a few wobbly steps. These stairs led to a large hall. At the other end of this hall was the haunted incinerator. We unfortunately couldn't cross the hall because we didn't have a flashlight and our cell-phones didn't provide enough illumination to show the way.
The owner of the restaurant said that if we come back on an off night he will take us on a tour.

we still have to go back for the private haunted incinerator tour.